You’ve probably seen crazy videos of people surfing huge waves or maybe you’ve heard a friend explain their surfing experience. Perhaps you’re curious about surfing but not sure if you should try, want to try, or even could try! 

For many people, surfing is intimidating and can seem inaccessible. In reality, surfing is something almost anyone can (and should) do!

I have been surfing casually for the last 8 years, and these are my top 6 reasons why you should try surfing.

1. Just Plain Fun!

Surfing is a blast. There is nothing quite like the feeling of gliding across a wave and flowing with the motion of the ocean. Surfing is dynamic, energetic, and exciting!

The ocean waves are refreshing and invigorating. There is something powerful about playing at the intersection of land and sea. The whole experience can be incredibly uplifting.

Surfing takes a bit to get the hang of, but like anything, the better you get the more fun it is! Trust me, it is worth it to keep at it and get over the learning curve. 

Learning to surf is full of challenges, but overcoming these challenges and seeing yourself improve is incredibly rewarding. I started out flopping around at the mercy of the waves. Now surfing is one of my favorite things to do!

2. Physical Exercise

Talk about a workout… Surfing can be extremely physically exerting. Not only for your shoulders and arms (they do get the worst of it) but also your back, legs, and core. It is truly a full body exercise and you will definitely be wiped out after a long (or short) day of surfing.

At the same time you don’t have to be in amazing shape to go surfing. Surfing is a super fun way to burn calories and it will definitely whoop you into shape. Surfing with some friends or a community is an awesome support system that will help you get out there and get exercise.

3. Connection with Nature

Surfing is an amazing way to connect with nature. I mean, how much more “in” nature could you get than being tossed around by the ocean’s waves. 

If being at the mercy of nature’s laundry machine doesn’t sound appealing, don’t worry. When you first learn, try to go on a mellow day with smaller waves. On these days, the atmosphere in the water is usually pretty inviting and provides a better opportunity to soak up the experience.

The intersection of land and sea is a powerful place and the lens of surfing is an insightful way to connect with this unique and typically inaccessible environment.

The feeling of cold water on your skin, the sound of wind and birds, the taste of salt, and the visual textures of land and sea unify to create an immersive experience of the natural world.

4. Mindfulness and Movement

In addition to connecting with nature, surfing is an excellent way to connect with yourself. Paddling, sitting, and standing on a surfboard requires balance and makes you conscious of your body movement within a dynamic system.

Surfing places you directly in the present moment. Scanning the horizon, focusing on catching a wave, or leaning into a turn puts you smack dab in the now. This presence of mind is an excellent way to access a fun and engaging flow state through moving meditation.

In contrast, there are many times when surfing provides the perfect opportunity for reflection and deep thinking. Surfing gives new perspectives and can provide a helpful clarity when contemplating the important things in life. Surfing can be a valuable tool in expanding the relationship with yourself.

5. Rewarding and Engaging

Surfing is incredibly engaging and rewarding. There are so many big achievements that happen when you learn to surf. First, just getting out into the water is a huge step. Next, getting to your knees and standing up for the first time is an amazing feeling. 

A lot of people have mental barriers or fears that might make surfing seem out of reach. After all, surfing can be dangerous. But, if you surf safely and within your abilities, surfing can be a powerful therapeutic tool. Overcoming your fears and exploring outside of your comfort zone can inspire real confidence.

Finally, surfing is a sport you can do for most of your life. Surfing can be as intense or as chill as you want it to be, provided mellow conditions are in ample supply. I see a lot of middle aged and even later age people surfing. It is never too late to start!

Surfing can also be quite difficult, and people are often discouraged by their lack of progress. However, the challenge is part of why surfing is so rewarding. Read more about how to stay motivated while learning to surf.

6. Community

Surfing can sometimes have a reputation for being a hostile community, but I personally haven’t found this to be the case. In my experience, the surfing community has been welcoming and inviting. Most surfers are just out there for the some tasty waves and a cool buzz.

There is an energy in the water that is undeniable, especially if the waves are good. People love to cheer on other surfers in the form of a “yew!”, “woo!”, or even a “yeehaw!”. By the way, check out these 30 must-know surfing terms for beginners to get up to speed with importing surf lingo.

It is awesome to hear people rooting for you and feeling “the stoke” of everyone around you. Later, you might see those people on the beach tossing a frisbee or hanging around a bonfire. Did I mention surfing is a great way to make friends?

Surfing is a great activity to build new friendships and develop existing relationships with people. Having a few friends or family to surf with is a great support system and especially helpful if you’re a beginner. However, even if you are cruising solo, there are usually some cool people to meet out on the water.

Taking group lessons is an excellent way to become introduced to a surfing community. I recommend you take a surf lesson. The instructors are super helpful and often genuinely excited to teach you. Learning together with other people taking the lesson is great support.

Heads up! Surfing is awesome but it can be dangerous! Learn more about how to stay safe and avoid dangers while surfing. If you are a beginner surfer, check out my other articles about surfing and my ultimate guide to learning how to surf