
Mindfull Adventure is run by Logan, an Oregonian who loves to be outside doing fun stuff.

I find great value in adventures like surfing, rock climbing, backpacking, and hot springing, because they help me stay grounded, manage stress, and explore the natural world as well as myself.

For me, these activities are exciting, engaging, and rewarding. However, I also recognize they are both intimidating and inaccessible for many people.

I created Mindfull Adventure to help people learn about and access these amazing outdoor adventures so that they can experience the benefits for themselves.

I seek to provide valuable information for those learning these activities and show that they are not as intimidating or inaccessible as they may seem.

I hope you find this information helpful and learn to love these activities as much as I do! I believe everyone has an adventure out there waiting for them. Whichever you choose, please adventure mindfully.