You’re looking to buy a new surfboard, but not sure whether to buy a surfboard online or in store. Both options are common, but you may prefer one or the other based on your needs.

Buying a surfboard online is convenient, but you don’t get to see the board in person. On the other hand, when buying a surfboard in the store you can see and feel the board.

In this article, we’ll compare the advantages and disadvantages when you buy a surfboard online or in store. Stick around so you can make an informed decision that is best for you!

Buying a surfboard online

There are many websites where you can buy both new and used surfboards online, including:

Advantages of buying a surfboard online

  • Convenience shopping and shipping to your home
  • Easy to browse tons of options, from a variety of websites
  • Easy to find specific styles that fit your budget
  • Buy direct from manufacturer

Online shopping is fun and convenient. If you browse the websites linked above you’ll find thousands of boards for sale of all different shapes, sizes, and prices. You can easily filter by style and price to find the board you’re looking for.

Disadvantages of buying a surfboard online

  • Unable to see and feel the board in person
  • Shipping might be costly
  • Board may be damaged during shipping
  • Harder to get advice or guidance

The convenience of online shopping does come with uncertainty. Even if you know the style you want, it is hard to commit to a hefty price tag without seeing the board in person. In addition, shipping may be costly, especially for larger boards. 

Furthermore, surfboards may be damaged during shipping, even when extra care is used by the person packaging it. Sometimes the seller will replace the board for free, even if it is the shipping company’s fault, but this hassle could eliminate any convenience associated with online shopping.

Buying a surfboard in the store

The other option is to buy a surfboard from your local surf shop. There are surf shops anywhere there are surfable waves. Surf shops are fun to visit and there’s nothing like seeing the boards in person. Most surf shops have both new and used surfboards.

Advantages of buying a surfboard in the store

  • See and feel the board in person
  • Ask questions and get guidance from employees
  • Take your new board home that day
  • Easily pick up other surf gear if needed

Surf shops are magical places. The smell of surf wax and neoprene are soothing and the walls lined with sparkling new surfboards are glorious. In all seriousness, shopping for a board in person is a joy. Knowledgeable employees are there to answer your questions and you can take home your new board that day!

Disadvantages of buying a surfboard in the store

  • Less options than online
  • Have to drive there

There aren’t too many downsides to buying a surfboard from a surf shop other than the relatively limited number of options compared to online. However, this can also be a good thing if you are indecisive. A decent surf shop will have enough options for all beginners, and most intermediate/advanced surfers. Of course, you will have to get to and from the surf shop as well.

Is buying a surfboard online or in store better for you?

Buying a surfboard online is better if you:

  • Want the most options
  • Don’t need the board right away
  • Understand the risks and costs of shipping (read their return policy!)
  • Don’t want to drive to the surf shop

On the other hand, buying a surfboard in person is best if you

  • Want to see and feel the board in person
  • Want to take your board home that day
  • Want to pick up other surf gear
  • Want advice from a real person face-to-face

Maybe you’re still on the fence. That’s okay! You can keep your options open. If you need help choosing what board to buy, learn more about how to choose a surfboard for beginners. If you are a larger surfer, also check out the best surfboards for bigger people.

I think buying a used surfboard is a great option for surfers of all skill levels. If you haven’t noticed yet, surfboards are not cheap. Used surfboards are a great way to save money without sacrificing the style of board you want. Learn more about how to buy a used surfboard. You need to know how to check the board for damage and assess a fair value.

Heads up! Surfing is awesome but it can be dangerous! Learn more about how to stay safe and avoid dangers while surfing. If you are a beginner surfer, check out my other articles about surfing and my ultimate guide to learning how to surf