Surfing with other people is fun! Surfing alone is fun too, but sometimes we could all use a little company. Catching waves in the water and rays on the beach is an experience worth sharing with others.

If you have no family or friends that surf, it can seem difficult and intimidating to reach out to strangers. Even if you are a naturally social creature, it can be hard to find people to surf with depending on your location and schedule.

Spending the day surfing with a group of friends is one of my favorite things to do. I am grateful that I have friends to surf with and I want other people to have the same privilege. These are my recommendations on how to find people to surf with.

Talk to local surfers

If you are already surfing at a local spot or you live near a surf spot, you can interact with people surfing there. Strike up a conversation out in the water or on the beach. In my experience, most surfers I have met are down to earth, friendly people. Pro tip: bring some beers or snacks as a friendship offering.

There are plenty of things to talk about when you meet a surfer, in addition to usual small talk. You can ask about their board, the waves they caught that day, the conditions, their favorite surf spots, or any questions you have about surfing. 

If you meet a new friend, try to coordinate a time to go surfing next, or even meet for brunch to develop the friendship. Maybe carpool if you live in the same city, or plan a time to meet at a designated surf spot. 

Don’t be shy! Surfers can seem huff and gruff sometimes, but most people are friendly and at least willing to engage in a civil conversation. Let down some of those social barriers and put yourself out there. 

Making friends can be hard at first, but it is always worth it once the friendship grows and next thing you know you are cruising on the same wave together and sitting around a beach fire.

Club, group, or online community

If you don’t live near the beach and don’t already surf, it might not make sense to drive to the beach to try to meet people. There are a number of other resources you can turn to. Look for clubs, groups, or online communities.

If you are in a school or university and live within a reasonable drive to the beach, chances are there is a surf club, or at the least an outdoor, adventure focused organization. There might even be a surfing course you can take at your university.

Online communities can be a great way to meet surfing friends. Facebook groups, reddit pages, even craigslist and tinder can help you find like minded surfer people. Yes, people use tinder for friendships too. 

Take a Lesson

If you are a beginner, taking a group lesson is an excellent way to meet other people who want to surf. Learning with other beginners helps you get better and offers a perfect opportunity to make friends along the way.

There’s a good chance those people are also looking for people to surf with. In addition, learning with other beginners means you are about the same skill level. Having comparable skill levels is important when choosing when and where to surf together. 

If you connect with someone while taking a lesson, get their contact information and try to plan a time to surf again in the future. Perhaps schedule another lesson together or skip the lesson and just go! 

If you hope to make friends from taking a lesson, make sure you seek out group lessons and call ahead of time to see if other people are scheduled as well. Sometimes, a group lesson can turn into one-on-one instruction, which may be good or bad depending on your goals.

Teach someone yourself

If you are already a decent surfer, teaching someone else can be rewarding and fun! Eventually, the person you teach may catch up to your skill level and you can both surf the same waves together.

This option is especially appealing for family members or close friends who are already a large part of your life. Heck, teach your mom or dad or physics teacher to surf.

If you can, buy a beginner board and maybe an extra wetsuit. Rentals can be pricey and time-restrictive and it is overall less hassle if you have an extra set of gear (assuming the wetsuit fits!). My family and I have accumulated a crate of old wetsuits and a learning board for friends who want to try surfing.

I love taking friends out surfing. It is super fun to watch people catch their first wave. Taking friends surfing bonds people together and deepens the relationship. It is a great way to spend a day.

Heads up! Surfing is awesome but it can be dangerous! Learn more about how to stay safe and avoid dangers while surfing. If you are a beginner surfer, check out my other articles about surfing and my ultimate guide to learning how to surf