At some point, most surfers will need to remove old wax from a surfboard. Fortunately, there are some tried and true methods that can be used to remove old wax from a surfboard without chemicals.

It is a good idea to remove old wax every once and a while from your surfboard and put on new wax. Periodic reapplication of wax will help keep the best grip and avoid excess buildup.

It can be surprisingly difficult to remove old wax from a surfboard. However, keep reading to see what methods work well!

When do you need to replace your surfboard wax?

After a while, it is a good idea to replace your surfboard wax. Over time, as you apply new layers of wax, the wax gets old and less sticky. Sand and other dirt get into the wax as well.

The wax can become less effective which can be dangerous while you are surfing. It can also build up in large amounts, which is unnecessary. In addition, old wax looks aesthetically worse than fresh new wax.

There is no general timeline for when you should replace your surfboard wax. Just replace it when you see it’s looking old, building up in large amounts, or feeling less sticky.

What methods are there to remove old surfboard wax?

There are a lot of methods to remove old wax from a surfboard. However, some are better than others. It can be surprisingly difficult to get the old wax off.

The two main methods are heating and scraping the wax. Heating the wax makes it less sticky and more like a liquid. Then it can be scraped off using a rigid piece of plastic.

Heating the wax is easiest on a hot, sunny day. Put your board out in the sun for a bit and see if the wax is melting. If it is, then you can start scraping, making sure not to scratch the fiberglass. 

However, if it isn’t sunny or it is too cold, there are other ways to heat the wax. For example, a hair dryer or electric heater can be used to heat the wax.

Once the wax is heated and melting, take a rigid piece of plastic and scrape the wax off. It should peel off in big sheets. Try to get as much as you can off this way.

What is the best way to remove old wax from a surfboard?

Once the wax is heated and scraped off, most of the board should be clear of wax. However, there may still be some residual wax on the surfboard.

If there is wax remaining, and you want to really get it all off, you can use a special trick. Believe it or not, put some flour on it and spread it around. I have found that the type of flour isn’t important.

The flour will coagulate the remaining wax into clumps and pick it up off the board. Use your hands to spread the flour around and rub it into the wax. It should start to come off in clumps.

This is the method I used once the wax is scraped off. It works well for me, and I hope it does for you too!

Learn more tips about how to properly care for your surf gear.

Heads up! Surfing is awesome but it can be dangerous! Learn more about how to stay safe and avoid dangers while surfing. If you are a beginner surfer, check out my other articles about surfing and my ultimate guide to learning how to surf