Choosing your first surfboard can be overwhelming. After all, there are a lot of things to consider when buying a surfboard for beginners, including the size, shape, material, cost, and your skill level.

Often, beginner surfers may feel lost and intimidated by the wide variety of surfboard options and it can be hard to know where to start. I know that I felt this way. The good news is, with a little research, you’ll be able to understand what type of surfboard is best for you. 

After reading this guide to buying a surfboard for beginners, you’ll know how to make a smart decision when buying your first surfboard!

The Short Answer

The best beginner surfboard should be….

  • Between 8 and 10 feet long
  • At least 22 inches wide
  • Around 3 inches thick
  • Be rounded at the nose
  • A soft-top surfboard
  • Between $200 and $600

Best Overall Beginner Surfboard – 8’ Verve South Beach Board Co.

south bay soft top longboard

Best Budget Beginner Surfboard – 8’ Wavestorm

Best Beginner Surfboard for Kids – 7’6” TAHE Paint Easy

longboard foamboard

Anatomy of a surfboard

If you are new to surfing, it is worth it to learn the different parts of a surfboard. Don’t worry too much about these terms if you don’t know some. You won’t need to be an expert to choose the right beginner surfboard for you.

diagram of surfboard
The anatomy of a surfboard.

What to consider when buying a surfboard for beginners?

beginner surfer
A beginner surfer learning how to surf.

As a beginner, you want a surfboard that will allow you learn the fundamentals of surfing. Surfing has a steep learning curve and there are many concepts that you must learn by practice.

A beginner surfboard should let you do the basics of surfing: paddle out to the break, catch a wave, and of course, stand up on a wave. The key is to catch and ride as many waves as possible so you can learn the basics.

When choosing a surfboard for beginners, don’t get sidetracked by technical terminology. You really just need to think about three things: size, shape, and material (and the price).

What size surfboard is best for beginners?

The size of a surfboard is likely the most significant factor to consider when buying a surfboard for beginners. Choosing the right size board is critical to learning effectively and efficiently. The size of the surfboard is determined by its length, width, thickness, and volume.

What is the best surfboard length for beginners?

Surfboard length significantly impacts how the surfboard performs in the water, how easy it is to paddle, and how easy it is to manage in general.

In general, the larger the board, the easier it is to catch waves. This is because larger surfboards have more volume and are more buoyant. The more buoyant a surfboard is, the more it is pushed by the wave.

The best beginner surfboard length for most people is around 8 – 10 feet. Heavier adults should use a surfboard closer to 10 feet long, while lighter adults and kids may be okay with 8 feet. Use the table below as a general guide for choosing the right surfboard length based on your weight.

True Beginners
(Surfed < 5 times)
(Surfed > 5 times)
Weight (lbs)Length (ft, in)Length (ft, in)
> 25010′10′
Surfboard length chart for beginners.

A general rule is to choose a board that is 3 feet longer than your height. However, weight also plays an import role. If you are a bigger person learning to surf, check out these tips for heavier surfers, and the best surfboards for heavier surfers.

types of surfboards
Different types of surfboards and their lengths.

Anything longer than 10 feet is probably too big. You just don’t need that much surfboard and it will be more difficult transport and carry down to the water.

What surfboard width is best for beginners?

The wider the surfboard, the more stable it is, and the easier it is to balance. Stability is important when you are paddling as well as riding a wave. Furthermore, beginners typically ride slow moving waves. As slow speeds, stability is even more important.

A beginner surfboard should be at least 22 inches wide, but over 22 inches would be extra stable. Many surfboards for beginners are made to be 23 or 24 inches wide.

If you weigh over 250 pounds, consider looking for a surfboard over 24 inches wide. Anything over 24 inches will add stability, which is good for true beginners. However, the wider the surfboard is the harder it is to maneuver while doing turns.

What is the best surfboard thickness for beginners?

A thicker surfboard will result in higher volume and therefore more buoyancy. In fact, most longer surfboards are around 3 inches thick and that is totally sufficient.

If you are over 250 pounds, start with something closer to 3.5 inches thick. However, if the board is long and wide, then 3 inches might be completely fine.

Don’t worry too much about thickness. Length, width, and overall volume are more important factors.

What is the best surfboard volume for beginners?

Surfboard volume directly correlates to buoyancy. A more buoyant board is easier to learn how to surf with. Weight is the most important parameter for determining the correct volume. See the table below for a general guide to choosing the right surfboard volume as a beginner.

True Beginners
(Surfed < 5 times)
(Surfed > 5 times)
Weight (lbs)Volume (liters)Volume (liters)
> 25010598
Surfboard volume chart for beginners.

Avoid using the above table as an end-all-be-all. There are more factors to consider of course. Two surfboards with the same volume might have a different shape. However, do pay attention to make sure you get a board with appropriate volume for your skill level. Heavier surfers will need to pay closer attention to volume. Learn more about the best surfboards for bigger surfers.

What is the best surfboard shape for beginners?

The shape of the board affects the way a surfboard performs in the water and is important to consider when buying a surfboard for beginners.

As a beginner, you only really have to worry about the shape of the nose. There are a variety of tail shapes, but don’t worry about those.

The two main nose shapes are pointed and egg shape (rounded), but many surfboards fall somewhere in between.

surfboard nose shapes
Different surfboard nose styles.

Generally, egg shaped boards (aka egg-boards) are more stable and easier to ride than more pointed boards, and therefore are better for beginners. Egg-boards are more stable because they are wider along the length of the board, rather than tapering to a point.

I recommend beginner surfers choose a surfboard with an egg-shaped nose and don’t worry about the tail shape.

What material are surfboards made out of?

The material of the surfboard does make a substantial difference both in and out of the water.

At the simplest distinction, surfboards are either hard-tops or soft-tops. Hard tops have a foam core and are coated with different types of resin. Soft-tops have a foam core and a foam deck with plastic on the bottom.

Is a soft-top or hard-top surfboard better for beginners?

Both hard-tops and soft-tops are suitable for beginners, but you may want to choose one or the other depending on your goals.

ProsBetter performance (maneuverability)Super durable
Lower risk of injury from collision
Usually more affordable
No wax needed
ConsMay not be as durable
Higher risk of injury from collision 
Usually more expensive
Worse performance (maneuverability)
ConclusionBest for beginners who have the basics down and want to progress to the next levelBest for true beginner surfers who are learning the basics.
Good for kids or older people who may have more trouble managing a board
Which surfboard material is best for you?

Soft-top surfboards are better for true beginners, kids, and older folks who are newer to surfing. Hard-top surfboards are best for beginners looking to progress their skills, and more advanced surfers who want to do maneuvers like turns.

Best soft-top surfboards for beginners

As mentioned above, soft-tops (aka foamies) are great options for true beginners. Soft-tops are best for true beginners and children. Foamies are practically indestructible, which is a huge plus. You won’t have to worry about dinging it against rocks or the parking lot pavement.

soft top beginner surfboard
The Wavestorm is a popular soft-top surfboard.

Soft-tops won’t hurt you (as bad) if you knock into them while in the water. Many beginners struggle to manage a surfboard in the water, and the waves can knock the board into them pretty hard.

Foamies are also usually more affordable than hard-tops, which translates to less financial commitment for someone learning how to surf. They cost around $200 to $400 new online.

The only downside is that they have worse performance. This is because the rails of a soft-top are thick and bulky, and they are less responsive when making turns. However, for learning the basics you don’t need amazing performance.

south bay soft top longboard

Best overall soft-top surfboard – 8’ Verve South Beach Board Co.

The 8 Foot Verve by South Beach Board Co. is the perfect beginner soft-top surfboard for many people. The Verve’s beginner friendly shape and moderate volume is ideal for both learning how to surf and progressing your skills past just the basics. 

At 8 feet long, 23 inches wide, and 3 inches thick the Verve carries 80 liters of volume within a textured top deck and durable plastic bottom. This size is best suited for true beginners up to 150 pounds and beginners up to 200 pounds.

South Beach Board Co. is a reputable company that primarily makes beginner surfboards among other adventure gear. They sell beginner surfboards ranging from 5 to 9 feet, so shop around if there is a better size for you.

Best budget soft-top surfboard – 8’ Wavestorm

The Wavestorm is a classic in the surfing world. Chances are you’ve heard of the Wavestorm brand. Many surfers begin their aquatic journeys on a Wavestorm.

The Wavestorm is about the same size as the Verve, but a bit more affordable. There is also a 9-foot version. The Verve is probably better build quality, but the Wavestorm will get you out on the water. Because they are soft-tops, both boards are quite durable.

I recommend choosing the Wavestorm if you are on a budget or still on the fence about committing to surfing. It is better to decide you are into surfing before investing in expensive gear.

longboard foamboard

Best soft-top surfboard for true beginners and larger surfers – 8’6” TAHE Paint Easy

For true beginners and larger surfers, volume is the key ingredient, and the 8’6” TAHE Paint Easy is just what you need. Coming in at a whopping 140 liters, this soft-top can support surfers up to 265 pounds.

Lighter surfers who are true beginners will also benefit from the high volume. Catching waves is a breeze with this surfboard. Balancing on them is easier too because it is 27 inches wide.

That said, because it is so wide and thick, the TAHE Paint Easy is best for true beginners and heavier surfers. Maneuverability is not its strong suit, so keep in mind that you may “outgrow” this board as your skills improve and you want to do more turns. 

TAHE is a reputable watersports company that also sells a variety of other soft-top surfboards ranging from 5’6” to 8’6”.

longboard foamboard

Best soft-top surfboard for kids – 7’6” TAHE Paint Easy

Learning to surf can be frustrating for kids. The 7’6” TAHE Paint Easy makes it, well, easy! With more than enough volume for kids of all ages (110 liters), this surfboard is the ideal option for kids who are true beginners.

It is also super wide (26 inches) which makes it extra stable for the kiddos. As a soft-top, kids are less likely to get injured, and the carrying handle makes getting it into the water easier.

For kids who are more advanced, try one of TAHE’s smaller soft-top surfboards. The Paint Easy models are really for true beginners and lack maneuverability.

Best hard-top surfboards for beginners

Hard tops are best for beginner surfers who have learned the basics and are ready for more performance than a soft top. Hard tops provide more maneuverability and help you practice turns.

Different types of hard-top surfboards

Hard tops can have different types of foam cores and resin coats. There are two main types of foam cores: polyurethane (PU) and expanded polystyrene (EPS). The two main types of resin coatings are polyester (PE) resin and epoxy resin.

epoxy surfboard
An epoxy surfboard.

PU/PE (often shortened to just PU) boards have a polyurethane core with a polyester resin coating. EPS/epoxy (often shorted to epoxy) boards have an expanded polystyrene core with an epoxy resin coating.

The main differences between PU boards and epoxy boards are that EPS foam is lighter, stronger, and more expensive than PU foam. Don’t worry too much about the foam core material when buying a surfboard for beginners. Both types are completely suitable for a beginner surfboard.

You should, however, consider the differences between the two types of resin coatings that are used (polyester or epoxy).

Polyester ResinEpoxy Resin
FactsOlder technology
More clear
More stiff
Newer technology
More opaque
More flexible
ProsMore affordable (usually)More durable
Stays strong over time
Better for environment
ConsMore fragile
Degrades over time (brittle)
Worse for environment
More expensive (usually)
Polyester and epoxy resin compared.

At the end of the day, both polyester and epoxy are fine options for beginner surfboards. Without going into too much detail, PU boards are more affordable but also more fragile. Epoxy boards are more expensive, but also more durable.

I own both PU and epoxy surfboards and can recommend both to beginner surfers. Long story short, keep both options on the table when shopping for a surfboard for beginners. Learn more about surfboard materials and how to tell if your surfboard is epoxy or PU.

Best overall hard-top surfboard – 10’ Degree 33 Surfboard

The Degree 33 10-foot longboard is a great overall choice for beginners. It is a solid all-around surfboard that you can learn on and progress your surfing skills. As an epoxy surfboard, it is more durable, lighter, and more buoyant than traditional PU construction, which is great for beginners.

It has sufficient volume (89 liters) for beginners and heavier surfers, but the shape is also conducive to more advanced surfers. Regardless of your skill level, you will have a great time on this board.

Degree 33 is a reputable company that makes different sized longboards, as well as other styles of surfboards.

Best budget hard-top surfboard – Paragon Retro Nose Rider

The Paragon Retro Nose Rider is an overall great value for a hard-top surfboard. For an affordable price, you get a quality surfboard that is suitable for beginners and intermediate/advanced surfers.

This is a board you can learn on and progress with, without breaking your bank account. The Paragon Retro Nose Rider is a PU board, so it is more fragile than epoxy surfboards, but also more affordable.

Overall, this is a great budget option, as it is one of the more affordable hard-top longboards on the market. Paragon also makes a number of other longboards that are also good options for beginners.

mini longboard surfboard

Best hard-top surfboard for kids –7’6” TAHE Mini Longboard

The TAHE Mini Longboard is perfect for kids or lighter adults looking to upgrade to a hard-top surfboard. It is a bit smaller at 7 foot 6 inches but carries a lot of volume for its length (62 liters). It is quite stable and buoyant making it great for beginner surfers.

The epoxy construction is durable and lightweight, which makes transportation easier. You also don’t really need a board bag, as dings are not so much of a worry compared to PU surfboards.

TAHE is a reputable watersports company that makes a variety of surfboards. I personally own two of their hard-top surfboards and love them!

Which type of surfboard fins are best for beginner surfers?

There are a lot of different styles of surfboard fins. Fins come in all shapes and sizes. They also can have different amounts of flex, which impacts the responsiveness of the board. The reality is though, when buying a surfboard for beginners, the finds don’t really matter too much.

Just know that there are lots of different fin setups, ranging from 1 to 5 fins with all kinds of shapes and sizes. The most common is one big fin, three fins, or 4 fins. Many longboards, which are best for beginners, just have one fin, but some have three fins. 

In my experience, the number and configuration of fins doesn’t matter that much for beginner surfers. Once you develop some skills, you can start to think about the impact of fins.

How much does a beginner surfboard cost?

A beginner surfboard costs between $200 and $600 dollars, depending on the type and quality. It is possible to buy a used surfboard for under $200. On the other end of the scale, you can spend more than $1000 on a new high-end surfboard. Learn more about the costs of surfing.

As a beginner, I recommend you don’t spend more than $400 on a surfboard. The truth is you don’t need anything fancy. You just need something that is functional and suitable for learning. Also, if you decide surfing just isn’t working out, you won’t have an expensive board that is sitting in your garage collecting dust.

Buying a used surfboard is a great way to save money, regardless of what skill level you are. You need to know how to assess the board for damage and what a fair value is. Learn more about how to buy a used surfboard.

The price of surf gear, mainly the surfboard and the wetsuit, may seem prohibitive to many. I know it isn’t always cheap, but you can reduce the cost by buying used gear and saving money in other ways. Learn more about how to buy a used wetsuit and other ways to save money surfing.

Where can I buy a surfboard for beginners?

There are lots of places where you can buy a surfboard both online and in person.

Don’t buy a used surfboard online. There is too much risk that the board is damaged and worth less than what the seller is asking. Only buy a used surfboard in person, after learning about how to buy a used surfboard.

If you are going for a new surfboard, buying online is fine. Just make sure that the store you are buying from has reputable reviews and a policy for if the board is damaged during shipping.


To summarize, I recommend beginners look for an 8-10 foot long, at least 22-inch-wide surfboard with an egg-shaped nose. If you are a true beginner or are teaching your kids, then soft-top surfboards are a great option. However, you can also consider a hard-top surfboard, especially if you are ready for a bit better performance.

I hope you found value from this guide about buying a surfboard for beginners. Please review my other articles about surfing if you are wanting to learn more! Then get out there and start surfing!

Heads up! Surfing is awesome but it can be dangerous! Learn more about how to stay safe and avoid dangers while surfing. If you are a beginner surfer, check out my other articles about surfing and my ultimate guide to learning how to surf.